Exhibition 2022
Winning pictures
Our Exhibition and Sale was held at Cromford Wharf Gallery in August. The winning entries were judged this year by local artist Chris Tkacz and Matlock Artists Society President Carol Hill.
President's Trophy - Best Picture Memorials by Nicholas Leake Best Oil - Robert Burley Award A Reflective Cromer Pier by Richard Holland
Best Mixed Media - Special Certificate Solar Flight by Julie Leggett
Best Acrylic - Ken Spencer Award My Best Friend by Janet Scott Best Watercolour - Seymour Trophy John's Black Cat by Janet Scott Special Topic Award 'Light and Space' Woodland Dawn by Carol Mumford

Best Pastel/Drawing - Special Certificate
Hare by Jenny Tye
OTHER AWARDS Best Collection - Special Certificate Local scenes in watercolour by Les Mooney Public Choice - Margaret Ramsden Award 'Light and Space' by Janet Scott Certificate of Merit Apple Blossom at Thornbridge Hall by Linda Orchard Certificate of Merit Seawards by Ruth Gordon Certificate of Merit Connemara Wall by Jenny Tye Certificate of Merit Sunlight on Rowsley by Thelma Knowlson Certificate of Merit
Wasps Nest by Christine Holt Wasps Nest by Christine Holt