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A Simple Collograph

Writer's picture: JulieLeggettArtJulieLeggettArt

Updated: Feb 15, 2024

Producing a quick collograph out of cardboard today as part of a technique for the Life Documented Project 2024. We are looking at different techniques for each month. So hello February, hello collograph substrates. I have kept this very simple and although I say it is simple and quick, there is a lot time spent waiting for PVA glue and shellac to dry. This part of the collograph is important to create a strong protective substrate to print from.

Its lovely and cosy in the office, so the collagraph is sitting directly in front to dry its layers. I dont usually art in the office, but at the moment with the workload for the Arts Trail I need to hot desk and I couldnt think of a better way to do it. Finding time to create is a scarcity at the moment so squeezing in any time whatsoever is a priority. My prompt needs to go out at the latest this evening, we aim for Friday, but it simply wasnt going to happen this week.

For the collograph I used cardboard as the substrate, drew on a bird in flight and using a craft knife cut away the surrounding area of the bird, to make a few marks I took out some areas of interest within the bird, cutting some small triangles to glue on the wings and body. After many layers of PVA and shellac I am almost ready to print and share the result.

I am working in a A 5 Journal on card and found papers this year and often need to gesso the pages either black or white so that I have a good base to work on. Today I have gone for a white background and I will print onto this with black. When I have applied the thick body printing paint I will burnish on top with the back of a spoon. I

Life Documented 2024 is an International Group on Face Book with around 1500 members mostly from USA, Canada, Austrailia and UK. The group is a shoot off from the original LIFE DOCUMENTED project by Roben-Marie, Rae Missigman and Sandie Keene from the USA.

My daughter is a friend of Roben-Marie and visits her in Florida when she can. The two of us organise and run the group providing the prompts, it has been around 7 years since it was set up, and its good that it is still going strong.

I have given links so that you can see what wonderful creators these people are. All of the creators offer on line workshops and classes which I would recommend.

It is still drying, but here it is - just have a quote to add ,documenting and photographs...

Its ok, I will be able to use it in my collage work. Fits my A5 journal page perfectly....

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