Welcome to my blog and what I have been getting up to #Textiles
Hello everybody welcome back to some up to date blogging - time is so precious and often we are so busy doing so many exciting and interesting things that we don' t make time to write them down. So here goes I am going to make an extra special effort to do some sort of a blog every day - now saying that, it just happens that I am away from my desktop over the next week as I will be working in Whitby so not such a good start as todays post will have to last all week. So my promise is to post every day when I can.

Starting my day
A nice breakfast to start the day #breakfast - I must admit mine is not as fresh as the one shown - I tend to go for fruit and yoghurt with nuts - brazils, walnuts, #nuts
A mid morning decaf coffee with milk #coffee what more do you need to keep you on track
What can I say busy with life, but thats not very interesting is it lol.....
Stitching is taking a large part of time as I enjoy it so much - textile stitching has got me hooked and I have been working on a International collaboration with stitchers from USA, Austrailia and Canada. I felt so overwhelmed to be invited to join as the only stitcher from the UK. So enjoying it and loving receiving my stitched blocks see my you tube channel
Here is a block I received from Sparrowhawker / Lauretta Allen on you tube..
Take a look at my channel and subscribe to follow me......
I would love for you to comment and let me know how you get on with your blog, and what you think of the stitching collaboration.